Regional Transport and Infrastructure
Central NSW Joint Organisation (CNSWJO) advocacy recognises that transport constraints are its number one challenge. CNSWJO seeks to work with other stakeholders to achieve better connectivity for the region’s communities.
CNSWJO advocacy priorities are;
A safe swift link between Central NSW and Sydney for both passenger and freight:
- Seeking have the corridor sequestered for a future upgrade of a safe swift link between Sydney and Central NSW along the Castlereagh Corridor alignment.
- Seeking a multi modal approach to shorter journey times including faster rail
- Supporting the NSW government in its $2.5b expenditure on the GWH seeking to have speeds of 100k along the route and able to service High Productivity Vehicles.
- To focus on the potential of Inland Rail for this region including leveraging linkages from the region to ports including airports and the Special Activation Precinct in Parkes.
To seek funding for the Transport Infrastructure identified in the Priority Infrastructure Multi Criteria Analysis Matrix (the Transport Matrix) and associated Plans.
To lobby Federal and State representatives and other key stakeholders as appropriate in the areas of road deficiencies, rail infrastructure and intermodal facilities. This is to include:
- the Blayney/Demondrille Line;
- Maldon Dombarton;
- branch lines and
- road upgrades as identified in the Transport Matrix and associated Plans
Maintaining the CNSWJO Policy for responding to issues relating to regional services remaining at Kingsford Smith Airport (KSA).
Supporting the current air services to Parkes, Orange and Bathurst and encourage any future expansion either of these services or into other LGAs.
Ensure the connectivity of the region through early understanding and adoption of new technology that adds value to the lives of our communities.
Through the Central NSW Integrated Transport Group administered by Transport for NSW, our key collaborators are the Federal Departments of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Investment Division and Inland Rail, multiple different departments within Transport for NSW from freight, rail and strategic, the Department of Planning Industry and Environment and Regional NSW, these formal relationships give opportunity to inform and influence the progression of the Joint Organisation.
The region’s Transport Technical Committee made up of Engineers and Managers across our member councils continues to be creative regionally for the better of all communities, be it through bulk purchases in bitumen, applying for regional grant funding, and providing technical consulting for the region.