Key Stakeholders
The Central West Regional Leadership Executive (RLE) is the primary place for collaboration between the Central NSW Joint Organisation (CNSWJO) and State agencies. The Chair of the RLE attends all CNSWJO Board meetings and the Executive Officer attends all RLE meetings.
Both RLE and CNSWJO have plans to deliver better outcomes for the region. These are the JO Strategic Plan and the RLE Annual Priority Plan.
The Department of Planning provides support for the collaboration needed to realise the aspirations of the Central West and Orana Regional Plan 2041.
Providing support to Transport for NSW through the Central NSW Integrated Transport Group (CNSW ITG) and collaborating in the development of plans for region is a priority like the Draft Central West and Orana Regional Transport Plan. The Central NSW Integrated Transport Group Terms of Reference can be viewed here.
The region has also been very involved in the Lachlan and Macquarie Regional Water Strategies. Work on the Fish River Wyandy Regional water strategies program has commenced. CNSWJO seeks to work with the NSW Government on ensuring delivery of the infrastructure and other solutions to secure quality water to sustain and grow the communities of Central NSW.
Each of these collaborations has Terms of Reference and the progress on implementation of the various strategies and plans are reported quarterly to the CNSWJO Board. Please find these reports in the agendas here.
CNSWJO also supports a collaboration on tourism, bringing together Destination Central West NSW, Arts out West, Central West Regional Development Australia (RDA) and local tourism organisations in the delivery of the Regional Tourism Plan.
A critically important relationship for CNSWJO is its relationship with Central West RDA. Every year these two organisations refresh their Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), the only one of its kind in the nation, to ensure they are working as efficiently and effectively as possible on the priorities of the region. A successful application by the CNSWJO and RDA Central West for a fully funded business case was developed for a productivity enhancement project for Inland Rail. The project was fully funded by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications. See the report here II Program P2_022 Central West Consolidation Centre – Gate 2 Final Report
In community sentiment surveying undertaken across the region in 2023, health was identified as the top priority of the people of Central NSW, head and shoulders above all other priorities of the CNSWJO. In 2023 CNSWJO signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Rural Doctor’s Network and is working with them on better health services in region. Growing our own health workforce is critical to ensuring it is sustainable and accordingly CNSWJO supports three scholarships with Charles Sturt University.
The CNSWJO is here to help State agencies engage with Council. A useful reference on collaboration endorsed by both the CNSWJO and the Central West and Orana RLE can found here.
CNSWJO also works with the other 12 JOs across regional NSW. Through the Chairs Forum and the Executive Officers network. An example of a collaborative project is Southern Lights.
Our most important collaboration is the one between our member Councils. Our members work on a variety of projects delivering cost savings and other value to our member Councils. Year on year this delivers over $1m in savings as well as grant income. Value to our members and through them to our communities is the heart of everything CNSWJO achieves.